

To install mzdata2mat into your Python environment, run the following command inside your terminal :

$ pip install mzdata2mat

If you have multiple instances of Python installed, run this command with the chosen Python interpreter to install mzdata2mat in the corresponding Python installation :

$ <pathToPythonApp> -m pip install mzdata2mat

When the command terminates, you have successfully installed mzdata2mat !

Verify the installation

To verfiy if the installation was successful, run in your terminal this command :

$ mzdata2mat-verify

When you will first run this command, node.js will download and install the mzdata package from npm. This will only happen the first time you run the command. The terminal will show you these lines during the process :

 Installing 'mzdata' version 'latest'... This will only happen once. 

added 7 packages, and audited 8 packages in 2s

1 package is looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities



When it’s done, the mzdata2mat package will attempt to convert an example .mzdata.xml file into a .mat file. If everything goes right, you will get this message :

$ mzdata2mat - Ready to use !

The example file (.mzdata.xml) will be copied in the current working directory and the converted file (.mat) will be added as soon as the conversion finishes.


If an error occurs, this probably means that you do not have node.js installed on your machine or you didn’t add it to your PATH.