Example Code

This page gives two examples on how to use the package. More examples will be added in the future.

In two lines

You can acheive the conversion with only two lines of code :

from mzdata2mat import mzDataManager

mzDataManager(useDirectory=False).convertFile(<path2mzDataFile>, <path2folder2save>)

More detailled example

# Here we import the main class used for the conversion.
1 from mzdata2mat import mzDataManager

# We initialize the class
# If all mzData files are stored in the same directory, we can specify the parameter `mzDataPath` instead of `useDirectory`.
2 converterAgent = mzDataManager(useDirectory=False)

3 path2mzDataFile : str = "path/to/stored/files"

4 someDirectory : str = "path/to/save/file/"

# Now we can call the mzDataXMLread function to read the .mzData.xml file:
5 data = converterAgent.mzDataXMLread(fileName=path2mzDataFile)

# The data we've got from the previous function can be saved to a .mat file with the saveMatfile funtion:
6 converterAgent.saveMatfile(mzData=data, dir2save=someDirectory)