
Welcome ! mzdata2mat is a Python package from LARTIC research team, which converts mzData.xml files (version 1.05, Agilent Technologies) into mat files readable using matlab.

Author : Maxime R.A. Cordella

Team leader : Pr. Christophe B.Y. Cordella

Copyright(c) 2024_LARTIC

Documentation Status PyPI downloads

Current version 0.2.0

The current version of mzdata2mat is the following : 0.2.0

You can see the complete changelog here

Compatible hardware

At this time, the following OSes have been tested :


At this time, macOS Sonoma 14.0 is officially supported, other macOS versions could be supported as long as they follow the requirements listed below.


At this time, mzdata2mat have been tested and is supported on Windows 11, no testing has been done on Windows 10 or 7 but if you want to extend the compatibility, we are open to tester’s feedback on thoses machines.


Other than Python

This package requires node.js installed. you can download and install it at nodejs.org. It is available for both macOS and Windows for free.

Python version

This package is compatible to any python version equal or newer than 3.9.

Python packages

When mzdata2mat will be installed on your system, the following packages will also be installed (if they are not) into your Python enviuronment :
